Better Solutions For Your Business

Who We Are

We are enablers, catalysts and voyagers on the same trip where you are going!!

With ever-expanding services offered by industry giants over the internet we have seen a boom in online financial and non-financial transactions, for almost all business domains. Be it pharma, FMCG, retail, banking, infrastructure or any other domain you name it. This would not have happened without the help of technology.

The industry giants, with huge investments into technology, now has a great stake in the market leaving the small and medium enterprises (SME) behind in the race. SMEs have been catering to different domains, but it is equally important to take advantage of Technology and be a leader of the businesses and not the followers.

Revere Tech Solutions, with its technical and deep domain expertise, empowers SMEs transformation through software products and solutions that are built with state-of-the-art technologies. Our team is dedicated to serve you the best software products and services, with a focus on trust, dependability with high return on investment and customer delight. We constantly improve and maintain our high-quality solutions through dedicated, proactive market research and developmental efforts. Our objective is, design to augment and enhance the sustainable competitive edge of businesses through robust frameworks that positively impact all the business critical factors.

Why us?

We are enablers, catalysts, passionate techies and consultants. The focus is not just business but empathy for our client. Passion brought us here!!

With our passionate team we assure you:
  • Experience & Expertise
    • Highly skilled, enthusiastic and committed team.
    • Precise understanding of our client's requirements.
    • Fast delivery of robust software.
    • Provide excellent quality & efficient outcomes.
    • For whatever area you choose to utilize us, you will find our professional engineering services to be an invaluable resource for your projects, and provide you with the advantages you need to stay ahead of the competition.
    • Round the clock technical support, our dedicated team will go the extra mile to solve your IT issues.
    • Our assets are agility, integrity and trust.
    • We commit to deliver outstanding cutting edge IT solutions that add real value. We believe in empathy and not just business. We feel proud when your business excels with our cost-effective solutions. Your growth is our happiness..!!!

What Do We Do


“To get Game-Changing results, start focusing on Game-Changing thoughts.” -Robin Sharma

Most of the values for our clients come from this phrase of application development life cycle. We understand business with thorough enterprise analysis assists to know the strengths and weaknesses. Analyzing the business helps to understand business processes, need of automation and provide cost effective solutions. The objective of consulting is to grab maximum opportunities and reduce business threats, where the client stays ahead in the race by increasing their revenue.

At Revere Tech Solutions, we dedicate good amount of time to consult the client, so the best out of the software application is derived.


“Good design is like a refrigerator—when it works, no one notices, but when it doesn’t, it sure stinks.” –Irene Au

The next important step is designing the product. We make sure that the client gets the best user experience while using the application. The technical stack should be strong enough to take care of the ever-expanding business and scalability of software application. At design stage, we take utmost care that the application we develop would cater to all the business needs of our client.


“Having a vision for what you want is not enough. Vision without execution is hallucination.” -Thomas A. Edison

If things are just on paper, they have less value until you see it or feel it. Yes, we agree to it. Our team of technical experts strives hard to give the best technical solution within lesser lead time.

We make sure that the application is supported by latest technical frameworks and developed using latest technical platforms.


“Strive for continuous improvement, instead of perfection.”- Kim Collins

Yes, a company may boast about being perfect, but none of the entities around us are 100% perfect. Your feedback positive or negative is fuel for us. Your positive feedback makes us run faster, while your criticism helps us to introspect and pounce back with more vigour.

At Revere Tech Solutions, we keep in touch even after the business deals. Our objective is not just to deliver but to grow and to dwell together.

About Revere Tech Family

Yes!! We do not call ourselves as a team, because we are a caring family in action. We stand together, we fall together. We enjoy our success and analyse how we failed. And yes, we chat more about stuff other than work. The hierarchies in a company can never bind people, so working in a non-hierarchical manner is our strength.

We honour everyone’s opinion and it’s not just a typical 360 degree feedback in companies.

So here’s more about our family members:


Business Head

Amit is a product person and has vivid experience of more than a decade now. He is an extremely dedicated and passionate individual. He is involved in major corporate decisions, strategic planning and managing the overall operations. He connects all the dots in project delivery.

He constantly strives to increase efficiency of the business. He has an excellent sense of foresightedness to achieve the vision and mission of the organization.


Business Head - Portugal

Cristina, a Law graduate, started her professional career with stores and sky rocketed up to working as secretary in the Government Ministry. After her stint at ministry, she then entered into the real Estate market. Working along with Revere Tech, she is also looking into international markets for the design and furniture industry.

As hobbies, she loves music and being with her closest friends.

She is taking care of Revere Tech’s operations in Portugal.


Business Head - South Africa & African Continent

Richard, a father of three beautiful kids, is a hardworking person with hands-on experience in different aspects of IT ranging from competitor analysis, requirement gathering to end deliveries. He has a 10+ years experience in IT and he is incharge of Revere Tech South Africa and Africa continent operations.

A poet and script writer by passion, he enjoys attending theatre performances in leisure time.


Head - Operations & Assets

Gauri is a HR professional with around 8 yrs of experience, who loves connecting with people. She is involved in resource augmentation, resource sustainability, strategizing the growth path for the organization and at the same time engaged in operational work of the company.

She believes, “The strength of the team is each individual member. The strength of each member is the team.”- Phil Jackson.

She is a gourmet cook and fitness enthusiast and likes talking to people.


Head - Java

A tech enthusiast with a fond interest in the latest technologies. He has more than a decade of experience. S/W Consultant by profession, an engineer by choice, a techie by heart.

A blogger and a surfer in his free time, he is found conquering hills or exploring new avenues when not scratching head for code.


Head - PHP & Mobile

Shreyas is an innovative software engineer with experience in the development of web & mobile applications. His extensive experience in understanding and translating end-user requirements in terms of digital solutions allows him to deliver high-quality outputs.

He likes to travel a lot and interested to know different places and cultures around.


Senior Member - Development

She has graduated with B.Tech in Computer Engineering from India's esteemed institute and would be pursuing Masters in US. She has experience in C/C++, Java, Python, Docker, Kubernetes and Golang and Angular tech stack. She believes that technology should be used for the betterment of society and it should be enabled for everyone.

A silent person by nature, she takes pleasure in photography in free time.


Senior Member - Development

Tanu comes with 9+ years of experience in Java and other major technologies to mention like HTML5,JavaScript, jQuery, CSS3, Spring, Hibernate, GWT, Oracle.

As a person, she is team oriented and passionate about my work. She has completed Engineering from a reputed college in Pune and also holds MBA in Marketing and Finance.


HQ Address:

Sinhgad Road, Pune 411030, Maharashtra, India


SA: +27 79 400 5212 PT: +351 937 296 333

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